06:11 GMT+7
On December 14, 2006, Adobe announced the first-ever public beta for an upcoming version of Photoshop, its flagship image-editing software. Best-selling author and Photoshop guru Deke McClelland has teamed up with lynda.com to create the first video training on this landmark release. Photoshop CS3 Beta One-on-One Preview offers a personal video tour through a series of real-world examples that illustrate each of the key features and enhancements in the Photoshop CS3 beta. Major and minor features alike are covered in meticulous detail.

1. Photoshop CS3 Beta One-on-One Preview
:: Photoshop's first public beta
:: The new interface
:: Bridge 2.0 Essentials
:: Using the Photo Downloader
:: Overview of Camera Raw 4.0
:: Enhanced Brightness/Contrast
:: New and improved curves
:: The Black & White command
:: The Quick Selection tool
:: The Refine Selection command
:: The Clone Source palette
:: The new blend modes
:: Non-Destructive
:: Smart filter masks
:: Vanishing Point 2.0
:: The Auto-Align Layers command
:: The new Photomerge
:: One-Stop printing
:: See ya!


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